Pursuing with a passion what HE has called me to do

Pursuing with a passion what HE has called me to do

Saturday, December 04, 2010

It's finally quiet, the little man is asleep and hubby is at work - for two day's this time. I've picked up my knitting, trying to finish my sisters socks that I was making for her Christmas gift last year, maybe they'll be finished by this Christmas. I've been trying to turn on music more instead of the tv, but I found a Hallmark movie and instead opted for the tv. The movie was nice, typical Hallmark. A little cheesy, but heartfelt none the less. After, I turned on the 10:00 news and almost instantly noticed a change in my knitting and the way I was feeling. I'm fluid in my knitting and I usually let my mind wander to my family or other projects I'm planning, but not tonight. I started to get frustrated with my knitting, I noticed I felt achy in my back and shoulders. I have no other explanation other than what I was listening to... This person is missing, this person was killed by the cops after a robbery and people are saying the cops acted harshly, 40 some people died in Israel's worst forest fire in history, now on to the weather and then sports where they are arguing about who should be fired because "our" teams are loosing. Death, tragedy, followed by the weather and then the highlight of people's lives, sports - all the while we act like it's not an eternal soul that has been called to answer it's creator.
I will go back to turning the tv off more, it's just too depressing and it's not something that I want to teach my children - that death is just passing. God has given me the responsibility to raise children and I feel that part of that responsibility is teaching them that death ends in eternity...
"...choose you this day whom ye will serve... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So true.
L. Rose